Tuesday, we had kids here to paint for the backdrop for VBS. I like playing with them. Mommy had to go and work at the thrift store. Marla came and took me to Mc Donalds, I got a Happy Meal and I was able to play in the play area. I had fun, but when I got home I gave Mommy a run for her money again with nap time. It took me a long time to go to bed and then she woke me up before I wanted. I did not want to talk with Daddy when he called that day because I was still mad that he had gone away.
Wednesday and Thursday were still rough days for both Mommy and I. This morning I woke up with allergies, a cold, or my final two teeth coming in. This morning I made Father's Day and Grandfather's Day cards. When I got tired of making cards and I went and got my Lighting Mac Queen car and Mater. I climbed right back up the stool played with them. Telling Mommy all kinds of stories and then asking for more cars. I played like that for an hour. Then we went and brought a whole bunch of VBS stuff to church. I took a good nap today and while I was sleeping Mommy worked hard on painting my new bed.