Sunday, January 30, 2011

New stuff

Over the past few weeks things have changed here in the Van Hill house. I have started working five hours a week cleaning at the Union. I have gone back to my roots of cleaning big school buildings. Parker loves helping me. He gets to play in the gym or drive his cars on the skate ramps. I have also started tutoring one student and I am looking to tutor more. This makes our lives a little bit busier each week.

This past week we went to MI for the Calvin Symposium on Worship. We drove up on Tuesday night instead of driving up on Wednesday. Parker fell asleep only after seeing the tunnel in Chicago and then the gates on the Skyway. Then he was out. When we got to my parents house he woke up and did not want to go back to sleep. The next day we spent Craig's day off checking out the Thrift stores in GR. I found a green Bill and Paul's Sporthaus Tee Shirt just like the ones my Dad wore when he was playing soccer. We also went to Russ' and orders by phone. Parker thought that was just cool. Then we stopped by Hobby Lobby and Craig and Parker picked out a model to make together. It is a gas truck and Parker loves it.

The next morning Craig went to Calvin and Parker woke up with the start of a cold. He didn't want to go anywhere and he would only sit in my lap or lay on the couch. His cold only got worse as the week went on. We had to cancel our plans and stay home during the day and at night.

My Dad stayed home with Parker on Friday so I could go and see my Grandma's. I love visiting them.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hanging out at Grandpa Gil and Grandma Alina

We went to visit with Grandpa Gil and Grandma Alina a few weeks ago. We had a blast hanging out with them. We spent time playing truck and showing Grandpa and Grandma how their train set worked. I love all the different toys that they have. I also got to play with my cousins. I loved playing house and cars. My two favorite things were sledding with Grandpa and Grandma on Tuthill and playing the bouncy house at Pizza Ranch with my cousins.

( I can't get my pictures to load.)