Saturday, May 23, 2009

Crack an Egg on the Couch and stir it all around!

Yesterday morning, while I was making a phone call about our health insurance, Parker managed to get the fridge door open. He took out an egg and placed in on a little plate of his. He brought he egg to the couch and cracked it on the couch. Then he proceed to stir it all over the cushions. When I got off the phone a few minutes later, I found him in the kitchen wiping off his sticky fingers. I asked him "Why are your fingers sticky?" "Mommy, Parker got egg on the couch." I thought he was pretending until I walked over and saw raw egg all over the couch. He started laughing I brought him upstairs for time out in his crib while I tried to calm down and clean up the raw egg. The couch has a huge stain that I can't get out.
I went up to get him and have talk about why we need to ask Mommy and Daddy if we need something from the fridge. He then asked to play with his Play Doh. I got it all out and the then threw it all around the kitchen that I had just finished cleaning. I took the Play Doh away and got out his colors. Then while I was writing about the egg incident on facebook Parker got his green marker and drew all over the counter and himself. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

I guess I have a TWO YEAR OLD! Here he is being a little sweet heart.

He was very excited when he woke up from his nap because Grandpa Buck and Grandma Sara were so close to being at our house. He stayed up late playing with them.

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