Sunday, June 14, 2009

Missing Daddy

Yesterday, Daddy left for a week with the youth group. I can't quite figure out where Daddy is or why he is gone. Mommy played in a softball tournament this weekend. It was a tournament to raise money for the athletic club at CWCS. She has not played in five years. They won 2 games and lost 2 games. Mommy is a little sore from diving for so many balls. She was playing in a game and I was napping when Daddy left for Cedar Rapids, IA. After Mommy got home we played here for a while and then we went over to some friends house for a picnic. I played outside with their boys and we had supper at the picnic table right by their pool. I had my second hot dog, grapes, and chips it was so great.
After supper I learned how to shoot a water gun. I got Mommy all wet. When we got home Daddy called and I asked him where he was. At first I thought maybe he was with Uncle Chris but he said no. Then I asked if he was at the farm with Grace and Joe, but said no again. I just can't figure out where he is because he is not with family.

I miss Daddy but I know that when he gets home we are going on our camping vacation with Grandpa Buck and Grandma Sara YEAH!!!!

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