Thursday, June 4, 2009


"Why" is my new favorite word. I use it at least 20 times an hour. Mommy and Daddy answer my questions and explain things I like all the new information I am learning. I love playing outside and having picnics outside. I just wish that Mommy would let me take my naps outside. Then life would be perfect.
I love to pretend that I am a puppy dog. I go around on my hands and knees panting like a puppy. I will also lick you leg, hand, or face if I can. The best part of being a puppy dog is that Mommy will give my a rub down and sometimes she pretends to be a puppy as well. My cars are still a favorite toy I love to drive my cars and trucks to Pizza Ranch. I have several Pizza Ranch stations set up around the living room and porch area.

We have ripped a bunch of shrubs from around the house and planted new flowers. I have the job of watering the flowers and I do a great job of it. I may over water a little but sure is fun when I get a 5 gallon bucket of water and my little watering can.


"Mommy Sexy" meaning "Mommy, see Lexi"

"Parker made a goal! Parker made a goal again, get closer"

"Mommy Parker being naughty? So fun"

"NO, Mommy No"
"Mac going to Pizza Ranch"
"Parker pretending to be puppy lick you"
"Mommy Parker want a beard, want a chocolate beard" meaning he wants to lick a beater

"Hi cow, I Parker, name"
"No, go to store, store out of milk oh bummer"

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