Thursday, November 29, 2007

A day with sick baby

I still am not feeling well yet. Daddy stayed home from school with me. Last night I kept Mommy and Daddy up. I would only sleep for an hour at the most unless Mommy or Daddy was holding me. Mommy went to work in the morning very tired. Daddy and I snuggled all day. I did not want to play at all, I just wanted him to hold me. I would only sleep if Daddy was holding me and then only for short time periods. Now that it is bed time I am waking up. I feel like playing with my toys again and I am laughing a little at my cell phone as it makes noise. This weekend my Great Uncle Ken is flying in for Grandma the Great's 80th birthday party. I am excited because I get to meet a lot of new family. Mommy's cousins have had all boys. This is going to be the first time that we get to meet them. Mommy is looking forward to the party and she wants me to get well fast. It is a good thing that the party is not until Sunday. Mommy hopes that I will be ready to sleep soon because she and Daddy are both ready for bed now.

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